Mind & Weight Loss Battle

Have you struggled through too many trendy diet programs without getting any lasting result? Does your weight fluctuate more than the stock market? Are you pleading for a weight solution that actually last?

Many people share the same issues when it comes to losing weight but is it really so difficult to lose those extra pounds? In order to resolve any weight issue, you must first become aware of the 3 vital reasons that are contributing to your weight gain:-

  1. Unawareness

Quite often, people just eat without being conscious of what they are eating, how fast they are eating, how are the chewing their food. They are not aware of the portion size or do they check if they are already full. Some restaurant may serve a big portion which is more than what your body needs. But because it is just there, sitting in front of you, you do not think or are you conscious of whether you need to finish the whole portion or not; you just finish everything and increase the burden of your digestive system, adding on the weight and calories that your body never need.

  1. Habits

Habit is something that we do over and over again and it becomes automatic because the connection of the neural pathways in our brain has become established and they grow stronger every time we repeat the same action or thoughts.

Let’s give an example: You may not have the habit of eating ice cream before you go to sleep every night. But if you happen to have a stressful week, and you found ice cream rewarding when you are trying to wind down at night, your brain will learn that. And if you continue to repeat eating ice cream for 5 consecutive nights, a new neural path way is formed and become established in your subconscious mind. When this happen, looking for ice cream at night would become automatic and you don’t even have to THINK about doing it, your body and your hands will go look for the ice cream when the night comes because eating ice cream has become a rewarding habit!

  1. Emotions

Let’s be honest, do you only eat when you are hungry? Or do you sometimes use food as a comfort or distraction when you are having a lousy day? Well, if you occasionally turn to food to forget your trouble doesn’t mean that you have a problem. But if you let eating become a major coping mechanism for all of your problems then there are some issues here; you are likely to get stuck in an unhealthy cycle where the real feeling or problem is never addressed.

Emotions such as anger, unhappiness, loneliness and boredom can cause people to eat in an effort to block those feelings; and much of it stems from childhood. Emotional hunger cannot be filled with food, it may provide temporary feel good moment but the feelings that trigger the eating are still there. What’s worse? Every time you eat emotionally, you feel worse than you did before because of the unnecessary calories you have consumed; then, you beat yourself up for not having enough willpower, leading to more negative emotions being stirred up.

If the unwanted habits are not removed or changed, if the emotions are not released and understood, if the unawareness is still there, if your thinking patterns remain the same; how can you be successful in losing weight or stay healthy in the long run? A lot of time, you KNOW your target weight, you know what you should and shouldn’t eat, you know you should hit the gym, you know you will feel lousy if that extra fat doesn’t go away; consciously you know, but what is stopping you from doing them? – Your conscious mind!

You conscious mind is the mind that KNOWS everything but for it to carry out an action or an idea, it takes time and great will power because what you want has not sunk down deeply into your powerful subconscious mind to make it automatic yet. Everything that you know you should be doing you are not doing because you have not trained the mind to make it automatic as the neural pathway has not fully been formed in the brain.

Fortunately, hypnotherapy can make it automatic for you by making you be in control of your mind rather than the opposite. Hypnotherapy is not about controlling your mind; it involves guiding you into a relaxing state so that your worrisome and critical mind can temporarily be put aside. The intention of this is to help you dissociate from your routine stressful life and keep your mind relaxed and uninhibited. And by you having a more relaxed and calm mind, your powerful subconscious mind that governs your automatic bodily function, habits, emotions and long term memory can surface to help you make the changes that you desire to change.

Most importantly, you will be guided to release the old eating habit and replace with new healthier learner one. If your weight issues involves emotional eating, then hypnosis can you help you deal with the emotion, release it entirely from you so that you are able to break free from the emotional baggage and feel different about yourself!

Throughout the hypnotherapy session, you will be conscious of what the hypnotherapist is saying to you; and you will only accept and be receptive to suggestion or advice that is congruent to your belief and the goal/ aims that you want to attain. You will even hear noises from the surrounding during the session because hypnosis is NOT to make you sleep. When you are asleep, no therapeutic work can be done because you are no longer listening to what is said to you. You have to be awake and conscious to help making changes to your belief, habits, value and perception; and most importantly you have to WANT that change to happen in order for hypnosis to work. So hypnotherapy is really a two way thing, both the therapist and the client have to build rapport and work together to reach towards the client’s goal.

Losing weight is not difficult; the only obstruction to attain it is THE MIND. If you know the power and the secret of your mind, you can easily remove the blockage and allow yourself to go beyond the limitations that you have placed upon yourself. Hypnotherapy is therefore a useful tool that anyone can use to remove any emotion or mental blockages to create the body or life that they want.

pbadminMind & Weight Loss Battle

Casein Free & Gluten Free Recipe: Natural Cures Cocktail

This is an excellent home remedy that you want to keep available at all times in your home. All of these 5 foods combined, creates a tremendous immunity-building and cleansing drink.

Dietitian’s tips

Garlic is a natural antibiotic. The active ingredient, Allicin has antibacterial and antifungal activity against a wide range of bacteria, including E. coli and Candida albicans.

Ginger reduces inflammation in the body. It has a mild aphrodisiac effect and helps with digestion. As a stomach-calming agent, ginger also reduces gas, bloating and aids in the body’s use and absorption of other nutrients and medicines.

Lemon is a cleansing food. Eventhough this citrus fruit is acidic, it makes the body alkaline once digested. According to the American Heart Association, eating higher amounts of citrus fruits may lower ischemic stroke risk for women.

Apple Cider Vinegar is a femented food helps with digestion and it has antiviral properties. The best form of apple cider is the one containing “The Mother”, detected by the presence of a cloudy substance. Vinegars containing ”the mother” contain enzymes and minerals that other vinegars may not contain due to over processing.

Yemen Sidr Honey is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It exhibits antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties and loads with potent antioxidants. It is known as a veritable cure-all that can be used to treat and heal a variety of ailments and diseases. It is important for the honey to be raw, unheated since heat destroys lots of the life found in the honey.


  • 1 cup of garlic juice (3 – 4 bulbs of garlic + ¾ cup of water, Blend)
  • 1 cup of old ginger juice (1kg ginger, can opt for Bentong ginger + ¾ cup of water, Blend)
  • 1 cup of fresh lemon juice (3 – 4 lemons)
  • 1 cup of Bragg’s apple cider (with “the mother”)
  • *3 cups of Yemen Sidr Honey


  1. Boil all ingredients except honey using small fire for 30 – 40 minutes.
  2. The mixture will become a bit thick as it reduces from 4 cups to 3 cups.
  3. Let the mixture cool down.
  4. Sieve the mixture to get only the juice.
  5. Finally, combine the juice with Yemen Sidr Honey.
  6. Keep the cocktail in a glass container inside the fridge. It can last for a month.


This cocktail should be taken on empty stomach, 15 minutes before meal. For general well-being, you may take 1 tablespoon a day. For those with low blood pressure, add a dash of Celtic salt into the cocktail to stabilize your blood pressure reading. If you are fighting with infections such as flu or cough, you may take 2 tablespoons, 3 times a day. For weight loss purpose, you may take 2 tablespoons a day. For young children, they may take 1 teaspoon a day to boost their immune system.

pbadminCasein Free & Gluten Free Recipe: Natural Cures Cocktail