The Importance of Sufficient Sleep

More people are achieving less than 6 hours of sleep per night & sleep difficulties occur to 75% of us at least a few nights weekly. Short-lived bout of insomnia is generally nothing to worry about, however, chronic sleep loss is another issue altogether as it can contribute to health issues such as a decrease in our immunity, increased blood pressure & weight gain.

During sleep, our body works to support healthy brain function & maintenance of physical health through reparation, thereby supporting growth & development.

Sleep deficiency can harm us over time or even instantaneously such as a car crash & ongoing sleep deficiency affects our ability to think, react, learn, work & socialise.

Do you need more reasons to get enough sleep?

Metabolism & Weight

Sleep deprivation causes weight gain by altering hormone levels that affect our appetite, it also changes how our body processes & store carbohydrates.


Lack of sleep leave us too tired to do the things we like to do & contributes to irritability, impatience, inability to concentrate & moodiness.

Learning & Memory

Sleep helps the brain commit newly absorbed information to memory via a process called memory consolidation thus people who slept after learning a task did better on tests later on.

Cardiovascular Health

Sleep disorders increases stress hormone levels due to insufficient time for the body to repair itself, thereby also contributing to irregular heartbeat & hypertension.


Sleep deprivation alters immune function, including the activity of the body’s killer cells so counteracting sleep deficiency actually helps to fight cancer!


Sleep debt makes us more susceptible to falling asleep during the day, directly resulting in falls, human errors, mishaps & even road accidents.

healthylivingThe Importance of Sufficient Sleep