

Itching is a minor problem, but continual scratching may damage you skin and make the problem worse. A small area of itching may be caused by an insect bite or occur with a rash as a reaction to plants, metals, chemicals, or cosmetics. Larger areas may be due to dry skin, heat rash, hives, infections such as ringworm or scabies, or skin diseases such eczema and psoriasis. Itching all over the body can be due to disorders such as diabetes, liver problems, or drug reactions. Stress and anxiety may cause or aggravate itching.

What you can do yourself

  • Try to resist scratching, and keep your fingernails short to limit any damage.
  • Apply a cold compress. Soak a clean face cloth in cold water, wring it out, then place it on the itchy area. Repeat as necessary.
  • Apply a soothing preparation such as calamine lotion or crotamiton cream (see DRUG REMEDIES)
  • Try a mild hydrocortisone cream (see DRUG REMEDIES) for a localized area of red, itchy skin caused by an irritant, such as a cleaning product or metal jewellery. The cream is also helpful for insects bites and stings.
  • Take antihistamine tablets to relieve itching that keeps you awake at night (see DRUG REMEDIES)Antihistamine cream can be used to relieve insects bites and stings.
  • Moisturize and protect dry skin.
  • If stress aggravates itching, try some deep breathing exercises, and muscle relaxation techniques.
  • If possible, avoid hot or humid environments.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes made from natural fibres, but avoid wearing wool next to your skin.


Calamine lotion has a cooling effect. Apply it to itchy areas as often as needed.

Crotamiton preparations Help to soothe irritated skin and reduce itching.

Hydrocortisone cream Reduces itching and redness and is useful for treating allergic skin reactions and insects stings. Don’t use it on children under 10 without medical advice.

Sedating antihistamines Such as chlorphenamine are taken orally to relieve itching. They will also help you to sleep. Use a cream for itchy insects bites and stings.


Avoiding triggers for itching is under control, try to identify what causes it or makes it worse, if this isn’t already obvious.

  • Keep a diary, noting when you feel itchy and which products you use on your skin or clothing. If you suspect itching is due to skin product, swicth to a mild, unperfumed brand. If the cause is a washing powder, use a non-biological one and extra rinse.