Do You Need a Life Coach in Your Life?

Majority of us don’t even know the existence of a life coach, what more to say knowing what a life coach does? How would we ever know if we need a life coach? Here’s a few tell-tale signs that you might need a life coach in your life:

  1. You’re comfortably stuck and too afraid of change

You’re stuck in a rut and you’re indecisive about making life-changing decisions like getting married, changing your career path, getting out of a bad relationship or going after your dreams that always seemed so far-fetch. You’re stuck in a dilemma of either remaining comfortable where you are with what you’re familiar with or taking the risk of moving forward into the vast, exciting unknown pursuing goals you’ve only dreamt of.

Let’s be honest with ourselves, we’re all scared of one thing or another; it can be the dark, failure, what people think and what they’ll say, being alone, leaving a relationship that no longer fulfils you and so on. We’re all afraid.

A life coach will hold the space for you to name your fears, aid you in exploring the voices and clarifying what’s most important to you. A coach will challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and stand up to what terrifies you with more courage.

  1. You’re lost

You may not know what your so-called “thing” is. Maybe you are feigning to love your job or you feel like you’re on auto-pilot mode, repeating the same mundane tasks day in and day out. Maybe you just graduated from university and you don’t love what you majored in. Or routine at home with your family is leaving you unfulfilled.

Don’t be too dreary about it; you’re not the only one on this boat. Everyone feels a little bit lost, at some point in their lives, before they have a big breakthrough.

A life coach will help you discover what you want, what your true personal values are and when you discover those values, you can get a clear picture of what is truly important to you. Working with a life coach to know what’s possible for you (hint: everything) and how you can achieve it. You may also feel fulfilled as a side-effect of honouring values true to you.

  1. You’re unhappy.

If you’re unhappy and you constantly feel like you’re losing your mind, you know you need a change.

A life coach can help you through the rut you’re going through. Your coach will help you identify what is making you unhappy and help you make necessary changes that aligns with your values and to make sure that values true to you are not being suffocated.

For instance, if you’re a stay-at-home mother, what’s making you unhappy is not your kids, do not feel guilty about it. It is because somewhere in the core of you values freedom and the long-term consequence of not being liberated is making you miserable.

  1. You’re happy.

You’re thinking, why would a happy person need a life coach? Reason being is when you’re happy and you’re happy with where you are in life, you’re more likely to be open to growth and more willing to do the work to achieve more life goals.

Life coaches generally do not need to know your past stories; they are interested in being where you are now and where you want to go next. Life coaches are not magic pills. Albeit the solution resides in us, we are often crippled by fear, coaching can help us look at situations from a different, more hopeful perspective.

Life Coaching is available at Healthy Living.

Kindly call us at 016 – 222 5435 for more information or to make an appointment.

healthylivingDo You Need a Life Coach in Your Life?