Feeling dizzy or Faint


Dizzy spells and the feeling faint are common problems. Causes include low blood sugar, drinking too much alcohol, or simply getting up too quickly. Feeling faint may be also be due to emotional shock and panic, or may occur in pregnancy. an occasional attack is rarely a cause for concern, but sometimes the problem is due to an underlying condition or to certain drugs.

What you ca do yourself

  • Keep your head down on your knees or your feet raised and try to control your breathing (see PRACTICAL TECHNIQUES)
  • If it has been several hours since you last ate, eat or drink a sugary snack (not something containing artificial sweeteners).
  • Don’t drink caffeinated drinks such as coffee, tea, or cola, or alcohol, and don’t smoke, as all of these can make your symptoms worse.
  • Don’t try to drive or operate machinery until you are completely recovered.


Recovery measures If you feel faint or dizzy, sit down and put your head on your knees. Alternatively, lie down and raise your legs on a chair or cushion. Try to keep calm, because fast breathing (hyperventilating) and anxiety can make symptoms worse. Breathe slowly and deeply. Open a window or go out into fresh air if you feel steady on your feet.

Helping blood flow Lean forward and put your head down to improve the blood flow to your brain.

healthylivingFeeling dizzy or Faint