Jet Lag


Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that occur while your body clock adjust to a new time zone when you travel. Until you get used to the local time, you may feel disoriented and tired during the day and have difficulty sleeping at the new night-time. You may also experience poor concentration, loss of appetite, and diarrhoea or constipation. Most people begin to feel the effects of jet lag only after crossing three or more time zones. Traveling from east to west (for example, from London to New york) extends the day and is usually easier on the body than travelling from west to east, which shortens the day. People tend to become more susceptible to the effects of jet lag as they get older.

What you can do yourself

  • If possible, fly during the day. You are less likely to feel jet lag if you are arrive at your destination in the evening and then stay awake until bedtime.
  • Get plenty of rest before you depart: at least 8 hours sleep a night in the week before you travel.
  • Start adjusting to the new time zone when you begin your journey (see PRACTICAL TIPS)
  • Drink plenty of water or fruit juice before and during the flight to prevent dehydration, and avoid alcohol, coffee, or cola drinks. Eat light meals and avoid fatty or salty foods.
  • As soon as you arrive at your destination, adopt the local eating, waking, sleeping times. Take a walk in daylight to help your body clock adjust.
  • Avoid alcohol or caffeinated drinks at least 3 hours of bedtime as they will make sleep more difficult.
  • Jet lag can affect judgement and concentration, so do not drive until you have adapted the local time.
  • If you travel frequently, try using antihistamine tablets to relieve temporary sleep disturbances (see DRUG REMEDIES). Alternatively, ask your doctor for a short-acting prescription sleeping pill.
  • if you are spending less than 2 days in new time zone, you may be better off getting up, eating, and sleeping according to your home time.
  • Seek your doctor’s advice before travelling if you have to take prescribed medicines, such as insulin or the contraceptive pill, at specific times of the day.


Adjusting to time zone Get used to the new zone by setting your watch to your destination time as soon as you board the plane. If possible, plan your meals and sleep times around this time during the flight.

  1. If you need to sleep on the flight,listen to soft music, use earplugs, wear eyeshades, and use a neck pillow.
  2. If you need to stay awake, keep active: get up and walk around the plane every hour, talk to your neighbour, read, or watch the in-flight entertainment.


Sedative antihistamines Cause drowsiness and can be used for a few days to help you re-establish your normal sleeping pattern. These medications are not addictive. Ask your pharmacist for advice on a suitable type.

healthylivingJet Lag